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Your Association Marketing Questions Answered

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Got Marketing Questions? We’ve Got Answers.

Gain valuable insights on prioritizing your brand and elevating your marketing efforts.

Even as things continue to change, one thing remains the same – you need to connect with your current members while attracting new ones. The single best way to do that is by making sure your team has clarity about your brand and the value that it brings. Establishing a strong brand that is a true reflection of who you are and what you have to offer will give your association the ability to take flight and soar in 2021 and beyond!

With that in mind, we thought it would be helpful to share with you the most frequently asked questions we’ve heard lately and provide our responses. We hope you find this information resonates with you and prompts you to take the actions needed to move your association forward.


When does my organization know it’s time for a rebrand?

When your marketing material is confusing and does not differentiate your organization’s purpose and value, it’s time to consider a rebrand. When your logo, website, sales collateral, e-communications and social channels are outdated and no longer relevant. When leadership lacks clarity and alignment in what your brand stands for and who your ideal member is.

These are a few signs, but at the end of the day: Trust your gut. When you have defined your purpose alongside a memorable brand narrative, your association will transform from the inside-out.

How often should we redo our website?

While there is no magic number, you should generally focus on a redesign of your website every three to five years. Within this timeframe, user behaviors, interactions and needs can change drastically. Not staying ‘ahead of the curve’ can result in a loss of member engagement and relevance and no one wants that. Remember, your web presence is a direct reflection of you as an organization.


What types of digital marketing should we consider in 2021?

As enticing as new social channels and flashy apps are, it’s still imperative to have a strategic and effective email communications campaign. Email is a direct avenue to your members which when done right can deepen loyalty, inform of opportunities to further engage, and ultimately increase the perceived value of membership.

Podcasting is also a great opportunity to deepen your connection with members. Keep in mind though that like blogs, podcasts are quickly becoming a crowded space. Provide a fresh perspective that sets you apart and consider featuring members as guest speakers. Don’t forget to integrate it into your other marketing communications as well.

Video is not going anywhere anytime soon. The beauty is that you can create engaging visual content lo-fi and still be impactful. It’s a great way to produce content that you can elevate to many platforms with one take (pun intended). Or, if you’re looking to roll out a new program, showcase new membership benefits, or celebrate a milestone, you can hire a creative agency to take the work off your plate and produce an innovative, high-quality video.

I’m struggling to get my leadership team to consider a marketing refresh. How can I fix that?

This is such a common challenge for businesses, associations and nonprofits. If you think you are alone, think again. One of the best ways to gain alignment around your brand is to hire an outside consultant or agency. The right firm will take you through a discovery phase where your team can gain clarity and alignment. It’s a powerful exercise for organizations to think outside-the-box and gain team buy-in.


Need A Flight Plan?

With over 20 years of experience building strong and impactful brands, we are highly skilled listeners and interpreters. These abilities enable us to bring clarity around a brand and provide insights that lead to organizational change opportunities. If your association is ready to harness the power of its brand to drive awareness and growth, we’d love to help.

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