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We Know When You Have A Brand Problem (and how to solve it!)

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Strong brands are key to organizational success. A strong brand helps your leaders and team members all speak the same language. It makes your brand visuals consistent and identifiable. Strong brands know who their ideal audience is and what delight their organization brings them. This lets you live your best life. Work-life, that is!

Conversely, if you cannot describe your brand simply or it doesn’t connect with your intended audience, then you have a brand problem. If your messaging is inconsistent and your brand elements (logo, tagline, fonts, photos) are all different, then you have a brand problem. If your team members or your board of directors don’t know who your ideal audience is and the problem you solve, then you have a brand problem. If your sales material has different messaging than what’s on your website or newsletter, then yes, you guessed it, you have a brand problem.

If you cannot describe your brand in a word or two, then you have a brand problem.

Don’t worry – brands are evolving creatures and need constant nurturing! And Mercury is in the business of solving brand problems.

We’ve seen, over and over again, how a successful rebrand brings clarity to your organization’s purpose and brand from the inside out. It brings your team together and aligns them with your unique value. Successful rebrands empower team members with the words and confidence to speak consistently about your organization and connect with your audience in a memorable way. It makes leading your team way easier. And then there is all this pride, confidence, and excitement in your organization! Why wouldn’t you build a strong and bold brand?

A successful rebrand is a transformational experience. When executed correctly, it will elevate your organization and make you money. Yes, make you money. It saves you money too. But the real value is a more engaged team, clients and members who are your biggest fans, and an organization that is growing.

Watch this 5-minute video to see if your organization has a brand problem and learn how we can help:

Do you know the value of your brand?
Can you and your team articulate your value simply and clearly?

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Video Transcript

Justin: Hey! We’re from Mercury Creative Group, and we’re here to talk about our Mercury Method. 

Cheri: These Mercury Messages are a little bit about what we do, how we do it, and who we do it for. 

Cheri: When somebody comes to you and asks about your work, how do you know they have a brand problem?

Justin:  I know that they have a brand problem when I start asking questions about their organization and they pause. They usually don’t have a quick, simple, easy answer. They’ll laugh a little bit. And then they just kind of start vomiting all this information. And I continue to ask more questions about who they serve. What’s the value? Why does somebody care? And they really have a hard time answering all those questions. 

They get uncomfortable and they know that they have a brand problem before I can tell them that they have a brand problem.

And lots of times, what leads the conversation is: “We need a new website. Our communications are out of date. Our logo is out of date.” And they think that that’s the problem. So we have to kind of dig in a little bit further and understand what brought you here in the first place. And that will spur answers that they’re struggling with revenue. They’re struggling with membership. Events are outdated. Their communications – they don’t know if they’re working. They have realized that there’s something going on but don’t know exactly what.

So they’re looking for a partner. They’re looking for someone to help them uncover the problems and also solve them on a brand level.

Cheri: If somebody comes to you and says we need a new website, what is your first question back? 

Justin: Why? I’ll also ask them: what if we don’t do a new website? Because that will give me a lot more information. Like, if they don’t actually fix the website, then they can tell me a lot of things about why they really need a new website. So it gets to the heart of “It’s not hitting the mark.” It’s not aligning with their buyer. It’s really outdated technology-wise. But it’s also nice to go a little deeper with them and understand, who are you? Again, kind of digging into that brand. What’s your story? And if that doesn’t resonate, if that doesn’t hit me strongly, then I know that no website is going to fix the brand problem. We have to get into the core and help them figure out what makes them unique, what’s their story, and what’s their value?

Cheri: A website is definitely an entry point. So I’ll start with a website audit. And that audit brings up a number of things. And like you just said, there’s too much info, potentially. There are too many competing messages that they relay to the public. I often say, “you think about you more than anybody else thinks about you. And if you’re writing for you or you’re explaining messaging that you’re ultimately really comfortable with, it’s maybe not the right thing, because you’re not your own ideal audience.” So diving into even that audit will really uncover a brand problem as well.

Justin: When you say they’re comfortable, they’re also so comfortable that they’re not paying attention to what are their employees saying about the organization. How are they answering the phone? How are board members speaking about the organization? And that comfortability leads to inconsistency in all their communications, all of their touchpoints, which dilutes the brand. Which, if I’m a prospect, I don’t know how to align with you, right? Because all of your information is messy and not making sense to me and how I can go to this organization or this company or buy this product to help me?

Cheri: Yeah, consistency is key. And it’s key because if you don’t have consistent processes, and consistent messaging, you won’t have consistent results.

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