Rebrands, Marketing, Websites

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CKC Good Food

CKC Banner

Standing Out: Elevating Brand Recognition in a Competitive Market

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Project Overview

CKC Good Food, originally known as Caravan Kids Catering, has been a trusted provider of nutritious, ethnically inspired meals to Twin Cities’ schools and childcare centers for over 30 years. As their services evolved, CKC Good Food saw an opportunity to align their branding with their growing mission. With ambitions to expand their market reach and a need for clearer, unified messaging, they wanted their brand to truly represent who they are.

To achieve this, CKC Good Food turned to Mercury Creative Group for brand strategy, design, and marketing expertise. As one of Mercury’s oldest clients, they trusted Mercury’s ability to uncover and emphasize the unique values that set CKC Good Food apart. Mercury’s comprehensive branding approach, the Mercury Method, made them the perfect partner to help revitalize their brand identity, align their messaging with their core strengths, and prepare for future growth.

CKC Good Food
CKC White

Client Goals​

CKC Good Food faced the challenge of an outdated brand identity that no longer reflected their expanding services and mission. Despite their reputation for delivering high-quality, nutritious meals, their branding was heavily associated with childcare and school services, which limited their appeal to other markets, particularly senior dining. Additionally, CKC Good Food’s messaging was inconsistent, diluting their brand’s impact and making it difficult to communicate their core strengths effectively. CKC Good Food wanted to realign their brand with their evolving mission and ambitious growth plans.

CKC website

Project Focus

The Mercury Method guided the rebranding project, with each step building on the last, providing all the ingredients needed for CKC Good Food’s transformation.

  1. Insights Gathering: Mercury began by conducting extensive surveys with employees and clients to gather insights on brand perception. While CKC Good Food knew their food was high quality, this process revealed that their true strengths lay in their robust processes and client support. This was the “Aha” moment! They weren’t just a food delivery service; they were a trusted partner. This new understanding highlighted their unique value in building relationships, not just delivering meals.

    They also gained clarity on who they serve, discovering that it’s the service director, rather than the children directly, who is their primary client. This insight shifted CKC Good Food’s focus from seeing the children as the client to recognizing their role in supporting the directors who manage food services. Clients also emphasized the importance of their culturally diverse and ethnically inspired offerings, showcasing that CKC Good Food’s nourishment extended beyond the menu.

  2. Strategic Development: Based on the gathered insights, Mercury developed a brand strategy that positioned CKC Good Food as a collaborative food service partner with a powerful impact. The new tagline, “Nourishing Bodies, Minds, and Cultures,” encapsulated their mission and values. Key messages were crafted to emphasize their role in supporting food service directors, highlighting the collaborative partnership rather than just a service-provider relationship.

  3. Visual Identity and Website Update: Mercury refreshed CKC Good Food’s visual identity to be more inviting and representative of their values. The website was updated to reflect the new brand positioning, featuring content and visuals aimed at a broader audience. The updated imagery showcased behind-the-scenes food service operations, enhancing the appeal and relevance of their offerings. Mercury then guided internal partners on further website updates aimed at optimizing content and organization.

  4. Implementation and Internal Alignment: Mercury supported internal partners on introducing the new brand strategy and visual identity to CKC Good Food’s team at an all-company training day. The presentation, which included a Mercury-produced brand-launch video, focused on gaining internal buy-in, ensuring that team members understood and embraced the new direction. Tactical changes, such as updating email signatures and reinforcing the new messaging, were implemented to maintain consistency across all communications.

"Thank you so much for providing such incredible brand tools and design for our success. I am forever grateful! The branding process we just went through was one of my most favorite experiences, truly, maybe one of my top 3 best work experiences. It has lifted me in the way I see our accomplishments and the heart for our work."

— Nancy Close, Founder + CEO + Executive Chef of CKC Good Food


Brand Strategy that Fosters Growth

  • Updated the brand to better reflect CKC Good Food’s current mission and values.
  • Positioned CKC Good Food to enter new markets, specifically senior dining, while maintaining their established identity in childcare and school food services.
  • Highlighted core strengths that differentiate CKC Good Food from its competitors.

Design that Aligns

  • Implemented tactical changes such as updating visual elements (logo, website) ensuring all marketing materials reflect the new brand identity.
  • Reinforced the new messaging through all touchpoints, including email signatures, promotional materials, and client communications.

Marketing and Communications From the Inside Out

  • Fostered a sense of pride and alignment within the company through clear and consistent internal communications.
  • Developed messaging that appeals to a broader audience beyond just childcare and school services.

Mercury Creative Group’s strategic rebranding of CKC Good Food not only refreshed their brand identity, but it also affirmed their unique strengths and positioned them for future growth. The strategic focus on client support, cultural diversity, and internal alignment has ensured that CKC remains a trusted and innovative partner in the food service industry while maintaining their commitment to nourish bodies, minds and cultures for years to come. CKC now has the perfect recipe for success!

Harness the power of your brand to drive organizational growth.

Put the Mercury Method™ to work.