The Mercury Method™

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As your collaborative partner, we work with you to uncover your brand's essential value.

We don't create your brand. Your brand already exists in the hearts and minds of your leaders, stakeholders, team members, clients and communities. The Mercury Method™ provides clarity and alignment - giving you total confidence in defining and communicating who you are, what you do and who you do it for.

Learn about our process below and take your organization to new heights.


discover your value white
Discover your value
define your brand white
Define your brand
plan for growth white
Plan for growth

We begin each project with strategy first. Our brand strategists and project directors will guide you through discovery and insights gathering that will uncover the true essence of your brand.

Once you’ve decided that a brand project is right for your organization and Mercury Creative Group is the right partner, the next step is to work with the Mercury team to finalize what level of strategy work is best, how long it will take and what the investment will be.

Strategy Outcomes

Discovery Sessions

Mercury facilitates weekly discovery sessions to gather project goals plus current perceptions of your brand in the marketplace from leadership and team members.

Insights Gathering

Insights gathering allows us to analyze brand perceptions from the people that use your products or services. We’ll ask the questions you most want to know the answers to and provide a report that will help inform brand and marketing priorities and opportunities.

Writing + Auditing

Mercury will build and complete all content writing for your Brand Guide. Plus we’ll conduct an audit of your current brand elements and touchpoints.

Delivery Presentations

The final presentations will include a walk-through of your complete brand guide and design recommendations for the next phase of work.

Strategy Deliverables

Complete Brand Guide   |   Complete Insights Report   |   Brand Design Recommendations

Our Strategy portion ranges from 4 weeks to 10 weeks. Some projects require more time, Insights Gathering and additional presentations. We will work with you to customize a strategy approach that’s perfect for your organization.


prepare for launch white
Define visual alignment
design brand elements white
Design brand elements
communicate inside out white
Craft your messaging

Once you’ve reviewed recommendations for refreshing your brand elements our partnership continues with the addition of our creative team. Design and production of your brand identity, website, and promotional materials take place in this phase.

We are a highly responsive team and your project director will continue to help guide the design process to keep you on track. Timing is dependent on project scope for each brand element.

Design Outcomes

Working Sessions

Our creative team will join in at this stage to design and develop your new brand elements. Your assigned project director and brand strategist will also help direct your project.

Delivery Presentations

Creating your brand elements often happens simultaneously with different timelines for completion. Each new design and messaging element will be presented as they are finished. You will receive all necessary design and content files that your business will own.

Design Deliverables

Brand Name Project   |   Logo + Color Design  |  Business Collateral  |  Sales + Marketing Collateral  |  Website Design + Content


implement your plan white
Plan for launch
communicate your values
Communicate your value
evaluate your success white
Evaluate your success

When you have a solid brand strategy and your design elements are ready to go it’s time to launch! Let’s bring your brand to life and engage your ideal audiences. Our relationship turns to the future as we partner to design a communications and content strategy and tactical marketing plan to communicate your brand from the inside-out.

We will help keep your team on brand as you execute brand launch. We continue to support your business as you align your brand strategy to your ongoing marketing efforts and overall goals.

Marketing Outcomes

Working Sessions

The Mercury Method™ includes an audit of your current marketing tactics to ensure we capture all audiences that need to hear your brand message. The strategy document helps you determine what to keep doing, what to stop doing and what to add.

Delivery Presentations

When your communications and content strategy is in place we work with you and your team to prioritize tactics, set a timeline and help you execute your plan.

Marketing Deliverables

Internal Brand Launch  |  Strategic Marketing Priorities  |  Marketing Tactical Plan  |  Digital Marketing  |  Content + Design  |  Recommendations for Marketing Plan Execution

If you’ve made it this far, let’s chat! Is your business changing? Is your leadership or your 
team evolving? Are you thinking about a new brand identity, design or website?