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Frequently Asked Questions

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What Does a Brand Strategist Do?

A brand strategist facilitates discovery conversations with key stakeholders in marketing and leadership. They ask lots of questions and listen intently to identify the common threads that bring an organization’s brand strategy to life. A brand strategist possesses a unique blend of analysis and creativity. They help define the brand strategy which sets the framework for an organization for how to present itself to the world. As brand strategists, we don’t know more about your organization than you do! But, we help you define and describe the essential value and differentiators for who you are, what you do, and who you do it for.

How Do I Know It’s Time for a Brand Refresh?

It’s time to refresh your brand when it has become outdated, it isn’t getting the attention of your ideal audience, or your brand isn’t positioned for the future. Usually, there are indicators that something has changed in the organization – like a change in leadership, a retirement, or a re-org. Maybe your brand’s values have changed, there has been a change in product offerings, or your visual elements are outdated. Other signs include losing members or clients, withering engagement, or people not being consistent when describing the value of your organization. A comprehensive brand on average happens every 8-10 years.

What’s the Difference Between Vision and Mission Statements?

Your vision statement is the long-term goal for the organization. Your mission statement is what you are doing every day to achieve that long-term goal. Your brand’s manifesto is your overall purpose. It is the umbrella over your mission and vision statements.

Why is Discovering My Ideal Audience Important?

Identifying your ideal audience as clearly as possible allows you to align your brand messaging with the audiences that will benefit the most from your product or service. When you put your ideal audience at the center of your messaging you get their attention faster and ultimately earn revenue faster. Focusing on your ideal audience doesn’t mean you have to ignore other audiences, but centering on your ideal audience allows those who resonate with your brand message to self-identify that you are the organization for them. On the contrary, if your message is too big and too broad then no one will pay attention. Having a clear understanding of your ideal audience is imperative to your brand’s success!

How Does Brand Strategy Differ from Marketing Strategy?

Brand strategy is first, it sets your foundation! It has the most longevity and changes infrequently. Your brand strategy is typically in place for 8-10 years. It clarifies who you are, what you do, and who you do it for. It creates alignment from the inside out, starting with your internal team, and then out into the world. Strategic planning follows your brand strategy and creates alignment for stakeholders. It defines your organization’s growth plan over 3-5 years. Marketing strategy comes next, building off of your strategic plan, and is developed annually. It declares – this is how we will show up this year in the marketplace. Finally, the marketing plan encompasses all the tactical pieces to support the objectives defined in the greater strategy. It answers who does what, and how much time and resources it is going to take. If you’ve taken the time to develop your brand strategy, the other layers are easier to define as it gives you guidelines for what to do and guardrails against what not to do!